Big Almaty - Cosmostation - peak «CDKA» - the mountain range Kungey-Alatau: peak Bogatyr/peak Talgar  
  THE ROUTES | The tourist routes

The route: Big Almaty lake (with landing) - Cosmostation  - peak «CDKA» (without landing) - the mountain range Kungey-Alatau: peak Bogatyr/peak Talgar (without landing)

The place of start/return: Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Platform of the Ministry of Emergency Measures on the river B.Almatinka above a dam 
Free-of-charge time of parking: no more than 1 hours 00 minutes.

The route by the helicopter remains in your memory for long years. The beauty of Big Almaty Lake, green slopes of gorge, and in some minutes – the snow pass Zhasylkezen in which the Cosmostation is settled down. You will see the upper reaches of the gorge with tops of Soviet, Lake, Choybolsan, Legostayev peaks. And further through the Lake pass you will appear in Chon-Kemin valley. More close to the east there are ridges of the Northern Tien Shan – Zaili and Kungey Ala Tau. From here it is already possible to see the azure Issyk Kul lake. Here is an advice from those who has already tested the given route: take a photo- and a video camera with you. Probably, these shots become the best in your family archive.


The type of air vehicle Number of seats The flight duration(to the place and back)  The cost of flight
hours minutes
AS 350 В3 4 seats 1 00 665 000,00 KZT
ЕС 130 В4 5 seats 1 00 720 000,00 KZT
EC 135 T2 5 seats 1 00 820 000,00 KZT

All prices include the VAT.




